Bethany, Molly and Katie talk through all aspects of Rh Immune Globulin (RhOGAM, WinRho, RhIG). They cover the history, how it’s made, its safety profile, understanding the RhIG shortage, and public health controversy. The women provide information for Rh negative women who are deciding whether or not to accept the RhIG injection for a pregnancy.
Do you live in the U.S. and have Anti-D antibodies? You could be paid more than $100 per plasma donation (up to twice a week) with reimbursement for travel to a donation center. E-mail us at and Bethany, Katie or Molly will respond to confirm your potential eligibility and refer you directly to our personal contact at Kedrion.
Learn about Kedrion, the manufacturer of RhoGAM:
RhoGAM website:
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